Report 4: 2020-21

Managing the Impact of Plant and Animal Pests: Follow-up


  1. To strengthen the pest management framework, the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) should:
    1. address outstanding Biosecurity Council recommendations and review how they are tracked for completion
    2. develop an evaluation framework and performance indicators for pest management programs, including for recognised biosecurity groups (RBGs)
    3. evaluate the Invasive Species Plan and develop a replacement in consultation with relevant stakeholders.

DPIRD response: Supported

Implementation timeframe: September 2021

  1. To improve emergency response planning, DPIRD should:
    1. use a risk assessment to identify which species require emergency response plans and develop them in consultation with stakeholders
    2. consider the use of exemplar or generic emergency response plans that can be easily applied to a number of species.

DPIRD response: Supported

The Department will focus on developing exemplar emergency response plans that can be used for future responses, rather than creating many plans for species that may not ever enter WA.

Implementation timeframe: December 2021

  1. To improve the process to declare pests, DPIRD should:
    1. review and approve the policy and process for declaring pests
    2. publish the policy on its website and ensure decision making is transparent and documented.

DPIRD response: Supported

Implementation timeframe: December 2020

  1. DPIRD should schedule regular reviews of the declared pest list to ensure it is accurate and up to date.

DPIRD response: Supported

A schedule of regular review is supported, and a process for review could be developed by December 2020. Significant developments may trigger earlier review of individual species.

Implementation timeframe: December 2020

  1. To enhance the completeness, timeliness and accuracy of pest management data, DPIRD and DBCA should:
    1. develop cross-entity agreements that define how and what data is to be shared
    2. create integrated data sets where possible and appropriate
    3. engage and share data with landholders.

DPIRD response: Supported

DBCA response: Supported

Implementation timeframe: December 2021

  1. To improve reporting from the RBGs, DPIRD should:
    1. review reporting requirements to improve the quality, timeliness and simplicity of reporting
    2. publish RBGs’ annual reports, which include the audited financial statement, on the DPIRD website
    3. consider measures to increase RBGs’ compliance with reporting requirements.

DPIRD response: Supported

RBG annual reports are published on the DPIRD website as required under the BAM Act.

DPIRD encourages RBGs to develop and publish monitoring and evaluation reports, as well as Operational Plans, and will consider further measures to improve this.

Implementation timeframe: December 2020

  1. DPIRD should finalise policies for enforcing compliance with regulations and evaluate its approach to ensure objectives of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 are being met.

DPIRD response: Supported

Implementation timeframe: June 2021

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