PathWest Laboratory Information System Replacement Project

Auditor General's overview

This report contains the findings from my Office’s performance audit of the management of a project to replace PathWest’s Laboratory Information System (LIS).

The size and scale of WA Health means that information communication technology (ICT) projects are a core activity in enabling delivery of health services across the State. However, major ICT projects are rarely simple and successful delivery remains challenging, perhaps more so in WA Health with its tiered governance and distributed management accountability…



Video summary

Duration 01:35

Report content

Executive Summary
The objective of this audit was to determine if PathWest has effectively managed and monitored the progress of the LIS project. Read more...
PathWest should follow the new project management, monitoring and reporting processes to ensure it maintains effective control...
Response from the WA health system
The WA health system welcomes the performance review of the PathWest Laboratory Information System Replacement report...
Audit focus and scope
This audit assessed whether PathWest and the NMHS have effectively managed the LIS project, and whether PathWest’s operations...
Audit finding - LIS will be late and over budget
PathWest expects the LIS project will be 2 years late, and cost almost $50.5 million, an increase of more than $23.7 million...
Audit finding - Early project management was ineffective, but has improved since the DoH’s review
There were major issues with the initial oversight and management of the LIS project. The timelines and budgets were also overly optimistic. Read more...
Audit finding - The DoH has not finalised a comprehensive IT oversight framework that matches governance to risk
ICT is a vital part of the public health system, and often needs upgrading or replacement. This means there is a constant program of ICT projects...
Audit finding - ULTRA has continuing costs and technical issues
ULTRA is a legacy system that continues to cost the state, and has several technical weaknesses. Read more...
Appendix 1: Detailed responses to recommendations 2, 3 and 4
The DoH should develop and implement a standard risk assessment framework for all major WA health ICT projects by June 2020...
Appendix 2: Project management better practice principles
There are many approaches and methodologies that provide effective project management. Read more...