
Managing the Road Trauma Trust Account

Agency Response

Road Safety Council

The Road Safety Council welcomes the recommendations from the Auditor General to improve the management of the Road Trauma Trust Account. The Road Safety Council has always sought to fulfil its obligations to provide the best possible advice on the most effective use of the Road Trauma Trust Account using available evidence and has sought to continuously improve its processes to identify and recommend projects that contribute to reducing road trauma.

The Road Safety Council, as acknowledged by the Auditor General, has developed and endorsed a range of key performance measures to provide greater monitoring and accountability of initiatives that are funded by the Road Trauma Trust Account which will be reported quarterly.

The decision by Government to direct significant additional money into the fund prompted the Road Safety Council through the Office of Road Safety to proactively seek discussion with the Auditor General’s Office on the effective monitoring and reporting of road safety performance.

The recommendations are timely as the Council has recently completed a substantial body of work that resulted in recommendations accepted by the Government for 2012–13 to ensure that over 80 per cent of the Road Trauma Trust Account funds are allocated to projects in five priority result areas that the available evidence shows will make the biggest impact on reducing crashes.

The Road Safety Council accepts the recommendations of the Auditor General’s report in full and will prioritise their implementation to ensure that in the coming years, RTTA funds continue to be prioritised and applied to those evidence based projects that will have the greatest impact on reducing road trauma on Western Australian roads.

Office of Road Safety

The Office of Road Safety welcomes the recommendations from the Auditor General’s review of the Office processes in the administration of the Road Trauma Trust Account and the support provided to the Road Safety Council.

The Office has recently completed significant analysis and development work in support of the Road Safety Council for Government to identify the priority interventions necessary for reducing road trauma under the Towards Zero strategy.  This has resulted in changes to the annual budgeting process and the development of a new set of performance indicators for road safety performance for 2012–13. The Office has now turned its attention to making enhancements to project monitoring, reporting and governance as part of business improvement.

The findings and recommendations by the Auditor General will be used by the Office of Road Safety in further work with the Road Safety Council to enhance project monitoring, reporting and performance and to strengthen the transparency and objectivity of business planning and budgeting processes to ensure they continue to identify and recommend evidence based, prioritised road safety initiatives to Government.

Page last updated: May 23, 2013

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