Report 8: 2018

Management of Salinity


  1. To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the management of dryland salinity DPIRD (in consultation with DBCA and DWER) should by December 2018:

a. set the strategic direction for the management of salinity

b. establish regular monitoring and reporting of the spread, impact and cost of dryland salinity

c. make better use of established mechanisms to ensure there is better cooperation and coordination at the government and local level

d. consider whether there should be targets to reduce water tables and re-plant deep rooted trees on a catchment wide or localised level

e. continue to promote soil conservation, and educate landholders and the public

f. where necessary, make greater use of compliance and enforcement mechanisms under the Soil and Land Conservation Act 1945 to ensure that landholders prevent and/or mitigate land degradation.

Page last updated: July 29, 2018

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