Report 3: 2018-19

Implementation of the GovNext-ICT Program


The Department of the Premier and Cabinet should:

1.       Recalculate the anticipated savings from GovNext, including confirmation that benefits exceed the costs of migration to this model and adequately supports the sector’s diverse needs.

DPC response: Agreed

Implementation timeframe: by 31 December 2018

2.       Develop and implement approaches to better educate agencies on program benefits beyond cost, to better achieve the program’s intended objectives.

DPC response: Agreed

Implementation timeframe: by 31 December 2018

3.       Actively work with agencies and vendors to facilitate solutions to meet agencies’ business needs.

DPC response: Agreed

Implementation timeframe: Ongoing

4.       Actively monitor GovNext vendor contractual obligations are being met in the key areas of security, competitive pricing and reporting to the GSB by:

a.       conducting an independent assessment to verify vendors meet their contracted security requirements, or request regular independent industry certification by vendors to that effect.

DPC response: Agreed

Implementation timeframe: by 30 September 2018

b.       ensuring vendors complete the 6-monthly market reviews, to confirm CUA pricing remains competitive.

DPC response: Agreed

Implementation timeframe: by 31 October 2018

c.       following up on vendor reports to ensure timely corrective action is taken.

DPC response: Agreed

Implementation timeframe: by 31 October 2018

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