Implementation of the GovNext-ICT Program

Auditor General's overview

Agencies depend on their information and communication technology (ICT) to deliver a vast array of services to the public including essential services like health care, policing and education. Many agencies deliver their services through legacy ICT models that fail to take advantage of significant improvements in both cost and function.



Video summary

Implementation of the GovNext-ICT Program

Duration 2:24

Report content

Introduction and background
This audit reviewed whether the GovNext-ICT program (GovNext) is effectively meeting its stated objectives. Read more...
Audit conclusion
GovNext can deliver savings to Government, but will not deliver the savings originally anticipated in the Business Case. Read more...
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet should: more
Response from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) wishes to thank the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) for completing its review of the GovNEXT ICT program. Read more...
Audit findings - The Business Case overstated the savings to Government
Actual savings from GovNext will be less than what was originally estimated. Read more...
Audit findings - The OGCIO has not successfully engaged with agencies, and the program is behind schedule
The OGCIO has not met its engagement and reporting targets, and adoption of GovNext is behind schedule. Read more...
Audit focus and scope
This audit assessed whether the GovNext program is effectively meeting its stated objectives. Read more...