Report 7

Fraud Prevention and Detection in the Public Sector

Agency Responses

Insurance Commission of Western Australia

The Insurance Commission of Western Australia has reviewed and carefully considered the “Fraud Prevention and Detection in the Public Sector” report.

We note the observations in the report and our Audit and Risk Committee will monitor progress on items relevant to the business.

Polytechnic West

Polytechnic West (PWA) is pleased that the OAG has acknowledged the very good practice deployed within the agency in monitoring key aspects of our corporate governance, risk management and the development of policies and practices relating to fraud prevention and detection. PWA regards such matters as central to good governance within the public sector and has committed significant resources and effort to staff awareness training and improving prevention and detection processes.

The findings concerning the need for an overarching plan to identify and mitigate potential acts of fraud and/or corruption and the need for a systematic assessment of fraud and corruption risks is acknowledged. The minor issues identified in the audit are also noted. PWA will address these findings over the course of this year as well as build on the processes and practices already in place.

Water Corporation

The Water Corporation always supports good governance practices and reviews like this one contribute towards maintaining a good internal control framework.

It is pleasing to note that there are no significant findings and that we demonstrate very good practice in elements of our risk management and corporate governance processes. We will always strive to improve, and with regard to the three moderate issues and one minor issue identified, we will ensure they are considered and appropriately actioned in the context of a large complex organisation.

Murdoch University

Murdoch University participated in the performance audit of “Fraud Prevention and Detection in the Public Sector” acknowledging that the University takes its fraud and corruption management obligations seriously, and in the knowledge that management was actively addressing the known gaps in the fraud framework of the University. The exercise was worthwhile in confirming that management is on the right track in identifying and implementing improvements across the board, and acknowledges work that was planned prior to the commencement of audit fieldwork (and now well in train). We thank the OAG for providing useful insight into how we can continue to improve our approach to fraud and corruption, and note that management will be implementing, and in some cases have already completed, recommendations arising from the audit.

Department of Transport

The Department of Transport welcomes the Office of the Auditor General’s report into Fraud Prevention and Detection in the Public Sector and supports the recommendations made. The agreed management actions to address the recommendations will further embed the changes required to strengthen the Department of Transport’s control environment in respect of fraud and corruption management.

Page last updated: June 24, 2013

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