Report 16: 2019-20

Audit Results Report – Annual 2018-19 Financial Audits of Local Government Entities

Glossary and acronyms

AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board
AG Act Auditor General Act 2006
Amendment Act Local Government Amendment (Auditing) Act 2017
Auditor’s report The Auditor General’s auditor’s report that is published in the local government’s annual report by the CEO, in accordance with section 5.55A of the LG Act. This includes the audit opinion. It may also include any instances of material non‑compliance that we identified.
Audit report The overall report under section 7.12AD of the LG Act, formally issued to the Mayor, President or Chairperson, the CEO and the Minister for Local Government on completion of the audit, including the Auditor’s Report and the management letter(s).
CEO Chief Executive Officer
Clear opinion
(or unqualified opinion)
Auditor General’s opinion expressed when an annual financial audit concludes that in all material respects the financial report is presented fairly in accordance with the LG Act and, to the extent that they are not inconsistent with the Act, Australian Accounting Standards.
Contract audit Audit of a local government undertaken by an appropriately qualified individual or firm, on behalf of the Auditor General, appointed under a contract.
DLGSC Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Emphasis of Matter A paragraph included in an auditor’s report that refers to a matter that is appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial report but which, in the auditor’s judgment, is of such importance that it should be emphasised in the auditor’s report.
Entity/entities Western Australian local government cities, towns, shires and regional councils
Financial audit Work performed to enable an opinion to be expressed regarding a financial report prepared by the party who is accountable for the financial transactions.
IS Information systems, primarily computerised systems
IT Information technology
LG Act Local Government Act 1995
LG Audit Regulations Local Government (Audit) Regulations 1996
LG Financial Management Regulations Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996
Management letter A letter to management of a local government that conveys significant audit findings and results of the audit. On completion of the audit, the management letter forms part of the audit report sent to the CEO, to the Mayor, President or Chairperson, and to the Minister for Local Government.
Materiality The characteristic based on the size and/or nature of an omission or misstatement of accounting or compliance information that, in the light of context or circumstances, has the potential to adversely affect the economic decisions of users of the information or the discharge of accountability by senior management.
OAG Office of the Auditor General
Qualified opinion Auditor General’s opinion expressed when an audit identifies aspects of the annual financial report that are likely to be misleading to users, there was material conflict with applicable financial reporting frameworks or a limitation of scope on audit work.
Significance Relative importance in the circumstances, in relation to audit objectives, of an item, event or information, or problem the auditor identifies.

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